PHEI Overview
Inauguration of PHEI at Securities Pricing Agency, 2009.

PT Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia is a Securities Pricing Agency (SPA) which was established based on Bapepam-LK Regulation Number V.C.3 concerning Securities Pricing Agency.

PHEI has the role and function of assessing and determining the fair market price of debt securities and other securities in Indonesia on daily basis. Fair market price data issued by PHEI is used by the financial industry as a reference for securities transactions, asset valuation, government bond auction reference, audit activity reference, and portfolio performance assessment.

PHEI believes that the availability of fair market prices is an important pillar in the sustainable development of the debt securities and Sukuk markets in Indonesia. By valuating its fair market prices, PHEI opens the way to support market revitalization and increase liquidity in the secondary market.